Bible Lessons

Bible lessons for youth ministry are a time and place for the truth of God to be delivered to your students. For you to be able to deliver a strong and effective lesson to your students, you need strong and clear objectives for your Bible lessons. Having the time to build and plan an effective course of Bible lessons can be difficult and at times stressful. You always have to be looking at how you can deliver Gods message in a way that your teens will understand.

Planning your Bible lessons

The first thing you need to do when preparing Bible lessons is to have a clear objective for your Bible lessons. Start with a subject such as, community or fellowship. From there come up with a title that will guide the building of your lesson The power of community.
Now that you have a subject and a title for first lesson in your series of Bible lessons, you can start building your first lesson.

The main focus of your bible lessons.

The strongest way to convey a message to teens today is to connect Bible lessons to their lives using Scripture and stories from the Bible. So once again our title is The power of community, a great way to construct a lesson, would be to connect an example of community in the Bible to an example of community in the lives of your students.

Formatting your Bible lessons.

Teens today have a very short attention span, which is probably why I have found that lessons based on interaction or group discussion seemed to be the best way to engage your students. When I write a series of Bible lessons, I have a teacher handout, a student handout, and a PowerPoint presentation. As the teacher or the leader I do most of the reading to the class. But throughout the entire lesson I ask pre-thought-out questions to make sure I have everyones attention. Bible lessons are not meant to be boring, you are teaching the Word of God, so let your enthusiasm and excitement show through to the students and make it a point to interact with them throughout the entire lesson.

Delivering your Bible lessons.

Now that you have your Bible lessons ready to go, I have found that the most impactful way to deliver Bible lessons to your students is in a quick and powerful manner. When teaching a class a certain lesson, the actual teaching, should be limited to a half-hour. If you go past a half-hour you will notice that during your Bible lessons, the attention of your students will go right out the window.
After you are done teaching you can now have impactful and engaging discussion with your students on their thoughts and feelings about the lesson. Plus your students now have time to ask any questions that they might have about your Bible lessons.

Building creative and powerful Bible lessons can take a lot of time and dedication. But here a Christian teen world we do all the hard work for you so you can spend your time engaging and building relationships with your youth ministry students. So take a look around at what we have to offer and if you like what you see I encourage you to join the Christian teen inner circle where you will receive two brand-new Bible lessons each week for you to use with your students plus other material which is updated on a constant basis.

To learn more, download my free Report and Premium Bible Lesson that you can use today:

Jamie is the owner of, if you wish to check out more information about Bible Lessons check out ChristianTeenWorld!

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