The problem in flat solar panels is that they have a static position, more than 45 this means that they only take advantage of a few hours on sunlight and in most cases they do not have a tracking system. Another problem is that there are heat losses in the flat panel, since they depend on the temperature difference between the absorber and the air outside, due to the sun and the construction of the collector. In the case of flat panels, you need to increase the amount of flat panels when you want hotter water temperatures because the efficiency drops from 75% to 35% when you want water at 95 Celsius. If you check out the SRCC data for flat panel performance you will see how the efficiency drops based on outside temperature and the temperature of the water being heated.
Flat panels perform best at low temperatures, like 50 Celsius and in areas where a user only wants to heat a hot water tank, or where there are space issues. However, for clients who want to see major energy savings, then they need to use a solar concentrator like a SolarBeam from SolarTron Energy Systems since it can produce up to 13kW of thermal heat per hour from an area of 175 sq. feet. It is a perfect solution for companies that have more than 900 liters of water that needs to be heated by a solar hot water system . 1 SolarBeam can heat 900 liters from 12 degrees Celsius to 60 degrees Celsius in 4 hours.
The main feature of a solar concentrator is that it has a tracking system that allows the solar rays to reach the collector throughout the day. This is indispensable for harnessing solar energy throughout the day.
Another advantage is that solar concentrators are not affected by the stagnation of heat, since it has a tracking system the solar hot water system can move out of the sun once the temperature of the water has reached the desired temperature.
The gear train on the solar concentrator is 2 axis. One axis moves the system from East to West. The other axis moves the system North-South track, which will improve the capture of radiation received by optimizing over the year. Because in winter, the rays fall more obliquely, and in summer more horizontal. In addition, this system can work in northern and southern hemispheres and at the equator because of its intelligent tracking system.
To perform motion control, you need the help of a mathematical algorithm and we know exactly the position of the sun for any time of year with absolute precision
The solar concentrator is the most efficient solar hot water system. This technology has highly reflective parabolic mirrors, specially designed to collect and use solar power by concentrating sunlight into a single point or focus, (similar to the principle of a magnifying glass).
The solar hot water system provides up to 13 kWh of heat (44,350 BTU / hour), compared with other conventional technologies, the amortization period of your initial investment will be much shorter, at least 6 years.
Multiple Application
Solar concentrators can be used in conjunction with an absorption chiller for applications that require air conditioning. Unlike traditional heat transfer systems using vacuum line or photovoltaic panels, the multifunctional nature of the solar concentrator provides both hot water, air conditioning and heating.
Hence, also useful for the supply of electricity, which will be available by summer 2011.
The solar thermal technology can be used for the following applications:
Heating at home or industrial buildings
Air Conditioning, together with an absorption chiller
Water Heating (up to 95 Celsius)
Process heat
Here the author Julia Herniak concludes the article DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SOLAR CONCENTRATOR AND FLAT PANELS and Solar Hot Water System Systems, visit
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