Knowing The Difference Between A License And A Franchise Makes A Difference

If youre looking for just such an opportunity, you need to know the difference between a franchise and a license before you decide.

In a franchise, the company that created the brand or look to be sold makes all the decisions regarding how that product will be presented to the public. Buyers of this franchise opportunity therefore have no say in deciding what the look, presentation and marketing of the product will be.

This is great when entrepreneurs want to follow a predetermined plan for their business. But what about those who have innovative ideas of their own and want an opportunity that allows them the freedom to do this? How can they take advantage of opportunities out there and not stifle their own creativity and imagination?

For these entrepreneurs, buying a license to produce and sell a product that they can add their own genius to gives them an opportunity to use their own talents in marketing and creating a product line.

Speaking Roses has available just such a license. It is the license to create, market and sell a product that can tap into a market opportunity worth 80 billion dollars. The product is a patented process for embossing custom messages, handwritten notes, logos, and even photos directly onto the petals of live, fresh flowers. The process can even be done on silk. This creates a product that can be a meaningful gift, a catchy advertisement or an invitation that cant be refused.

Celebrities and media all around the globe love these flowers with a message. Donald Trump even used them in his wedding! They have also been featured in 100s of media publications, on television spots, and even the Ellen De Generes show. They have appeared at the Kentucky Derby, Miss America, the Oscar Nominations, and the Rose Bowl.

Dont refuse this chance to find out more about this opportunity. Check out their website at .

Mr. Rodriguez, age 36, a true entrepreneurial soul with an innovative mind and has over 15+ years of progressive experience in developing businesses in different industries. Mr. Rodriguez possesses the skills to launch successful first-to-market items, drive business growth, capitalize on new revenue potential, and manage all aspects of daily business. He has always believed that some day he would create a concept that would change a world-wide industry.

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