Benefits of a Home Gym For Women

For Women, there are many benefits of a home gym.  This article will uncover for you some of the hidden gems that can result from creating a home workout area and provides a specific equipment idea so you can be up and running in no time.

Working out at home should give you an option of doing both aerobic work and weight training.  By working out 6 days a week and alternating these two forms of exercise you will get every health benefit you need.

My experience in health care for the past 18 years has led me to help many women plan and create a home gym that is functional and convenient and so I would like to share my top 5 benefits of a home gym.

1.  Convenience. You are busy and whether you have kids still at home or crazy work hours (or both) you need a convenient and fast way of working out, with a home gym you can simply walk into the next room and get started.

2.  Save money.  I tell all of my female clients that all you really need to create a great workout at home is a way to walk or jog and a way to get resistance exercise.  Resistance exercise means you are pushing or pulling against resistance and to do this the best possible way I recommend they get the Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbell set.

This is like getting 15 sets of dumbbells in one because you can automatically change the weight of each dumbbell with the turn of a knob.  They are the only piece of equipment you need and they will pay for themselves in less than a year compared to going to a gym.

3.  Motivation.  This is a huge benefit of a home gym that most of my clients didn’t realize until after they started working out at home.  It is so easy to lose motivation when you have to get in your car and drive to workout. 

4.  Very little space requirements.  One concern I hear a lot is that setting up a home gym will take up too much space.  This is another reason I recommend the Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells.  They literally can fit in a corner of a room and since dumbbells allow you to do every exercise you don’t need anything else.

5.  You don’t have to look good.  I had one lady tell me she didn’t like to sweat when she went to the gym because it made her make up run.  Make up?  No need when you are working out at home.  Just slip on some shorts and a sport bra because no one is watching.

I strongly belief in the benefits of a home gym.  It is convenient, easy and keeps you motivated, and when you use adjustable weights like the Bowflex Dumbbells as your only piece of equipment you end up saving money over a gym membership and taking up very little space.

Working out at home makes sense.

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