Raw Diet: Breakfast Suggestions

A lot of people usually prefer having bacon and fried eggs in the morning but the healthier alternative to this would be the raw diet, not only because its healthy for your body but also because it barely takes any time to prepare. Plus you can even gets to kids to eat it since its a lot healthy than giving them cereal.

Hemp and Berry Smoothie


Banana 1
Hulled hemp seed 2 tbsp
Frozen berries 1 bag
Pure water 1 cup


All the ingredients need to be put into a blender with a high speed. Then add the water to make sure that all of the ingredients are covered. Then you blend it well. If it becomes too think then you can add a bit of water to it. Also if its too cold you can keep blending for sometime.

The hemp seed which you use in the recipe actually gives you a lot of good fats as well as a super protein. Now these hemp seeds are the ones which have exactly no enzyme inhibit it or and hence they dont need to be soaked into water before you eat them. You can have this for breakfast as well as lunch also.

Green Drink


Green powder 1 scoop
Pure water 16 ounces


All you need to do is add a scoop of green mix to the water and mix it and the breakfast drink will be ready. You can even put this in a water bottle and carry it with you. Also if you dont really like how the green powder tastes then you can even add a bit of lemon juice or some other juice to this.

Apple Avocado Mousse


Avocado 1
Apples 2
Purified water cup


You need to peel out the apples and then you have to take the core out. You then have to take the meat out of your avocado. Both the ingredients need to be placed into a bowl and you have to mix it well using a hand mixer. This raw food breakfast recipes is extremely easy to prepare.

Vanilla Yogurt


Coconut water cup
Coconut meat 1 cup
Vanilla extract tsp


You need to open the coconut up with a cleaver and then pour all of the water out in a jar. Then this water as well as all of the milk and the meat should be added in the blender and blended well. This way you will be able to get the consistency of your yogurt.

Carrot Juice


Carrots 2 pounds


You need to wash the lemon and then you have to cut out most of the peel. Then you juice the lemons as well as the carrots in a blender and your juice will be ready. Apart from just having this for breakfast you can also try it for anytime of the day for a boost of energy.

Would you like to learn more about raw food and why the Raw Diet is the easiest, fastest, and healthiest way to lose weight plus maintain a youthful body and mind? If so, please visit http://www.rawdiet.com today. Davina DeAngelo is a wellness consultant, health writer, and Raw Diet evangelist who works closely with the world’s top nutrition coaches.

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