Some Intelligence Gurus say that articles are bulgy things meant only for the purpose of magazines and newspapers and certainly not a thing for online marketing. Is there such a thing? Probably not. After all online marketing is also a method of selling things, so what if not on the large scale of mass media?
To understand this we need to understand the purpose of Articles. Yes, articles are lengthy and bulgy but they are serious stuff. They are there for some purpose and meant one, not just for the sake of it. When articles are written, they seek a purpose and define it properly without any bias. Something which is not done in blogs.
First of all, most of the blogs we find today are written by some author that means they have a personal note in them. With own views, there are chances that they are written with some bias or inclusion of personal notes or thoughts which may go with the product or may not go. Secondly, they are so short that the product cannot be clearly defined in them in one go. This happens with those especially which are not so popular ones or are not known at all.
However, in case of articles it is not so. Because of the length of the article, products can not only be defined properly but can also be put in words easily, so that is understood by the prospective clients easily.
However, when it comes to Online Marketing or SEARCH Engine Optimization, both of them carry weight age. Whereas one has the art of describing the product properly, other has the power to get views for customers and prospective clients. Both in fact are powerful tools if used properly.
Various Search Engine Optimization Companies offer Blog and Article writing as important tools in SEO techniques. In fact, they are an important tool when you are launching your website. So, if till now, if you have not paid attention to Article and Blog writing till now, hire a good Seo Company to do the work for you and see the profits pouring in.
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