Make Money Writing Articles – 7 Reasons to Make Money Writing Articles

There are many who come online to make money writing articles, there are also those who feel that they are not capable of writing articles, and of course their are those who don’t want to trade there time to do writing. What ever category you may fall in here are 7 reasons to write articles.

1. One reason many choose this method is because it has little or no cost on advertising for their business, of course unless as noted above you are counting your time.

2. To establish your self as a publisher of good content in your market or niche which gives you credibility, and marks you as an expert in your niche.

3. A huge reason for those who are trying to make money writing articles is to drive new qualified, or other wise called targeted traffic to their web page or sales page.

4. When your articles give searchers the content they are searching for you have built a relationship with that person, and a good relationship builds trust.

5. Article marketing is a good way to advertise your website or products as long as you do not use the body of your content to include a sales pitch, your advertisement is done in the authors box or resource box.

6. The more articles you have on other high ranking websites with back links to your web page gives you better page rank, which means more traffic for you.

7. Article marketing is a form of viral marketing, which means that when other website owners pick up your articles and use them on their website, your resource box that goes with your article will still be another link to your web page without you lifting a finger.

If you are planning to make money writing articles online these seven reasons should be enough to motivate you to start your article marketing campaign, proper keyword search is a good way to get started.

If you are new or perhaps are just in need of some proper steps to make money writing articles let me urge to drop by

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