Inductive Bible Study is a method that allows you how to discover God’s truth for yourself. The idea behind the inductive study method is to get the follower of Christ up close and personal with the God’s word and making careful observations for themselves. This allows the student of God’s word to let Scripture interpreter Scripture. Think of the inductive bible study method as an investigative way to look deeper into the Biblical text. The outcome of this investigation puts what is being study in context with the rest of scripture. It enables the student of God’s word to see the principles he has for our lives. Once those principles are understood then they can be applied to our daily lives giving us a Biblical worldview.
There are three steps to Inductive Bible Study:
1. Observation:
This is asking the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of the passage. This will help you slow down to focus on God’s Word, and see what it really says.
2. Interpretation:
With observation comes the ability to understand the context of the passage. This is where Scripture interprets Scripture. Find out what the meanings of the key words of the passage are. See how the passage fits into the immediate and broader context of Scripture. Even look at the cultural aspect of the text.
3. Application:
This is where you can put into action what you have read and learned. Wisdom is the application of knowledge, so we must be wise and apply what we have learned. We are allowing God to speak to us through his word and becoming obedient to him. The other outcome is others will see Christ in us.
The goal of the Inductive Bible Study method is not to gain knowledge but to allow God to change our lives. It will bring us in a closer relationship with Christ and give us purpose and meaning in our lives. So study God’s word and let him change you from the inside out.
So why not start the Inductive Bible Study method?
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