Our life is our manner of living, vigour and liveliness; and our heart is the centre of emotions. The Word of God tells us in Proverbs 4:23, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. The issues of life come out of the heart and influence everything else in your life. The heart is the place where true success originates and where character is formed.
All types of thoughts start from the heart and that is why God tells us to guard our heart with all diligence. The type of thoughts that originates from your heart shapes your life.In effect, you are in the “driving seat” of your life. But the Holy Spirit can help youin this “driving seat” so that you can obtain good results, which will bring glory to God.
We need to keep our heart with all vigilanceand make sure that our thoughts are pure. Evil or negative thoughts do not do any justice to your life. God’s Word says, “For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7. You see, you become whatever you think in your heart, whether good or bad. You are the product of your thoughts; hence you need to take captive of every thought and cast down every imagination.
The bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 10:5, “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” We need to refocus our mind and rise above every negative thought. Let your thoughts be in line with the Word of God always. Whatever you say or think is what manifests in your life. You need to get on with thoughts that really matter.
Your attitude to life and towards others determines your outcome. As God’s Word says we become what we think, we should not give in to our daydreams, but fill our minds with the Word of God. Hide His Word in your heartso that you will not sin against Him. Also, cleanse your heartwith the powerful Word of God and renew your mind on a daily basis.
Child of God, let pure thoughts come from your heart. If you have negative thoughts, you produce negativity, but if you have positive thoughts, you produce positive results. I encourage you to choose to have positive thoughts as your life is shaped by your thoughts.
Whenever negative thoughts crop up in your mind, use the Word of God to demolish themand focus on what God says about your life. If you have a great attitude, you will always win and be victorious. Victory, at all times, is the will of God for you and this will be your portion, in Jesus’ precious name. AMEN.
If you have not already committed your life to Jesus and you would like to do so now, please pray this prayer:
“Lord Jesus, I am sorry for all the things I have done wrong. Thank you for dying for me on the cross, to set me free from my sins. I ask you to come into my life as my personal Lord and Saviour, and fill me with the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord Jesus. Amen.”
Congratulations, if you have prayed this prayer. Please look for a Bible-believing church, to fellowship with the brethren. Please do not hesitate to contact me, if I can be of any assistance to you. Remain blessed and enjoy the presence of the Lord.
Ronke is a woman of faith and has compassion for souls. She strongly believes that, with God, all things are possible. Through her ministry, Touching Hearts ministries (UK), God is using her to minister to the sick and the brokenhearted. She has written some articles, which are encouraging and a source of blessing. For more information, please visit her website on www.touchingheartsministries.co.uk
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