In a world filled with bad habits, as a website owner, it is smart to get into a beneficial habit. The act of writing articles daily is a great habit to have because it will generate traffic to your site and increase your revenues. The best way to maintain such a habit is to develop a step by step system. Here is how you can sustain an effective writing habit.
First, spend time on your titles. In order to have a successful article, it must be interesting and eye catching to potential readers. Otherwise, your articles may never get read.
Second, your objective is to get a good placement on search engine result pages (SERPs) because they increase the number of click-throughs to your website. To achieve this, insert keywords in your titles to increase your search engine optimization (SEO). This strategy is dependent on the effectiveness of your keywords, so be sure to conduct research before creating your title.
Third, write articles as often as you can. The more articles you create, the better your SERP placement and the higher your traffic. There are essentially two ways to increase your article production. One way is to learn how to write articles faster. There are many systems that can teach you to write an article in 15-20 minutes. Alternatively or in addition to your writing, you can hire a ghostwriter. Ghostwriters are easy to find, relatively inexpensive and can produce quality articles. If you can afford it, hiring a ghostwriter can substantially increase your article production.
Finally, to push the traffic to your website, insert a back link or two in your conclusion. After informing your reader about your website and/or products, a back link is a convenient way to transport them directly to your site.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing to build your list:
Download it free here:Â Secrets of Article Writing
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