Meditation and MMA

Fighters at the top 10 level are the ones who you should be emulating in everyway when it comes to training. Often they don’t disclose their methods outside of their camps, but their confident mindset is not automatically achieved without practice. A number of factors lead to their calmness that comes forward in each bout. We are going to talk about how meditation can lead you to that next level.


If you can sit down and take 10-15 minutes to picture how your fight is going to pan out twice a day during an 8-12 week training camp, you will be amazed by the results. You will have more faith and confidence in your abilities and be training on the road that leads to the picture that you’ve created in your mind.

Visualizing is proven for Olympic athletes to achieve the outcome they’ve set out for. It works for MMA fighters too. Many actually do it unconsciously.

Decrease Your Heart Rate.

Deep meditation can lower your heart rate, putting you in a state of pure calmness that can carry on throughout your day.

Decreasing your heart rate means that you’re decreasing the need for high amounts of oxygen. The less O2 consumption during a fight can prevent the onset of fatigue.

Calm, Cool and Intimidating.

Stepping into the cage requires you to realize that there is another person in there that is going to attack you and try to knock you unconscious. People do get used to this feeling. Meditation can prepare you for it before you step in there, preventing the adrenalin rush that causes you to use up your energy stores in the first round of the fight.

The more calm you are, the more you look like a destroyer. Fighters like Fedor show a calmness that is almost disturbing to some of his opponents. His expressionless face makes him look like a robot built to beat opponents to the ground. This is what you want to work to.

Meditation can lead you to what we’ve outlined. The mental game of the fight is 80% of the battle. The mechanics of fighting will come, but practice meditation to achieve the next mentality level of fighting. A quality MMA training program will outline the mental game in more detail and you should have interest in it. was created as a resource for the most affordable and successful MMA training programs available. You can download their now free exclusive ebook: “4 Simple Steps to Becoming a Destroyer in the cage”. was created as a resource for the most affordable and successful MMA training programs available. You can download their now free exclusive ebook: “4 Simple Steps to Becoming a Destroyer in the cage”.

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