As a website owner, I love writing articles because they increase the flow of traffic to my website. Without this traffic my site would not generate the income it does on a regular basis. The best thing about articles is they are easy to create and are very inexpensive – not to mention very effective at promoting my site.
I must admit when I first began writing articles I found it difficult. I couldn’t come up with new article titles. I found it difficult to create content for each of the articles. But with time and patience I can create and submit an article in ten minutes flat. And so can you.
The purpose of my website is to convert visitors into subscribers and ultimately convert subscribers into buyers. If my goal was to just promote products, I would still use articles to generate traffic. By simply including keywords and phrases into my articles, my search engine optimization increases. With a high SEO, my articles and indirectly my website get placed higher in search engine result.
Most webmaster prefer to write articles because they like to control their content and title selections. Your content must specifically relate to your website. And the titles are what differentiate the articles from competitor’s articles. Titles must be like eye grabbing headlines to capture the interest of readers.
Lastly, writing articles allows webmasters to create back links which will bring readers directly back to their website. There is no better way to close a call to action in your conclusion than to insert a back link.
There are many reasons why website owners love writing articles. If you give articles a try, let’s say for at least 30 days, before very long you too will understand why so many people love writing articles.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing to build your list:Download it free here: Secrets of Article WritingJanet Cole is a powerful coach and online mentor. She has over 1,400 articles in print and has created over 11 educational products. I use Clickbank Wealth Formula to help me to generate money.
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