I hope you must go through my posts to Enjoy Happiness taking perfect care of the heart.. Actually if you think you would do something to make your heart healthy you can. It is not very hard to follow some measures that I want to mention here. Though our life and death depends on the Almighty we must try our best to do something at least for ourselves.If we take something that makes the heart strong we must easily take it and have the benefit just to Enjoy Happiness.
It is not hard to find garlic. If we take a small piece of garlic everyday we make our heart strong. As per the physicians it raises the ratio of HDL and LDL. They who have cholesterol more than 200 have the bad cholesterol (LDL) lowered 15% and the good cholesterol (HDL) increased 10%. The total cholesterol lowers to 10-12%. There is possibility too of lowering the Triglyceride too.The blood pressure lowers to 10% and the blood vessels carry 50% blood.You have enough scope to Enjoy Happiness
We have no way to escape stress and tension.It is your own ability how to come out from the cavern of tension and Enjoy Happiness. You have to find out first why you are tensed. If you can’t find the out the cause you just be casual and go through different books, watch films, listen to music or visit a place where there reigns nature after her will. All these things tell the tales of life. I hope you may get the answer of your question and Enjoy Happiness. If you don’t find the way how to Enjoy Happiness make friendship with anyone who listens to you attentively. You may take the help of a psychiatrist too. The best way is to divert your mind from the obsessed thoughts. Meditation and Yoga can help you to concentrate.To make your heart healthy these two play vital role and offer you enough scope to Enjoy Happiness.
If you are looking for happiness in life do not forget to click the link. Know more tricks to find happiness in life.
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