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Planet Fusion

Tipping Planet Fusion as THE hottest theme for fall, THE One has put together five diverse styles sure to appeal to international tastes. While the Manhattan Chic style represents American elegance and Out of Africa…

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Planet Earth

Earth Day was yesterday and I wanted to, in some way, pay homage to Mother Earth. I had to leave for work that night, so I decided to do a short little dedication ceremony. I…

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Eating Bugs to Save The Planet

Have you ever thought insect dishes can be an effective solution for the global food crisis? A Dutch scientist Arnold van Huis has urged that it is time to break old eating habits and consider…

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Eco Talks (Green Our Planet)

Eco Lifestyle: With the increase in globlization today there is the need of the eco lifestyle. The focus must be on the environmentally conscious living. We must strictly focus on the eco practices, healthy and…

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The Healthiest Children on the Planet

With growing knowledge, research, and acceptance of the public about the benefits of natural health care, we are learning that the healthiest children on the planet are not the ones that rely on medication or…