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Store Relents-Elton John Baby Magazine Cover

Remarkably, an Elton John baby magazine cover was censored by placing a plastic “Family Shield” over the magazine rack at one supermarket in Arkansas.  It was removed, but the incident got major media attention and buzz on the…

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Jennifer Lopez on the cover of Glamour magazine

Glamour is a famous magazine for young women who are keen on fashion, beauty and a contemporary lifestyle. Like other successful magazines, Glamour chooses celebrities to appear on their cover. Lately, the hot 41-year-old mother…

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Joy Inside A Simple Light Switch Cover

It is humorous exactly how discovering something new about things that have been established you for so long can provide you with this kind of pleasure, but that’s the situation lately after i had been…

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Superstars in January 2011 Cover Shoots

Fame, beauty and good sense of style seem to go hand in hand for Hollywood stars. It has been proved over time that singers, actresses and personalities of the movie capital of the world Hollywood…